It has been a while since I stopped writing due to creative block. Now with COVID-19 cases reaching 4 figures (the highest, as of the date this post was first written, is at 5728 new cases!), I now spend most of my time checking out daily updates on COVID-19 in Malaysia. Not only that, I am also playing Genshin Impact, which is miHoYo's new RPG game, and I loved the game for its open world gameplay and beautiful visuals.
That aside, today's new blog post is as per title says: Things I Hate As An Anime Otaku.
However, before I begin, let me tell you this: the contents in this post are based on my opinions and will offend some readers; I shall not be held absolutely responsible if you're offended with this post.
Being an Anime Otaku in Malaysia nowadays has its own problems. Thanks to the notorious Malay tabloid media such as KOSMO! and Harian Metro that always depict negative stereotypes of Anime Otaku culture, openly expressing your love towards Anime (except popular titles such as Doraemon) is like asking for trouble. Then there's this group of people called 'shitposters,' making stupid memes and mocking Anime Otakus by calling them 'Weebs'. Not only that, I also notice some people even resort to playing the religion card just to bash Anime Otaku. Typical 'holier-than-thou' morons!
Alright, enough of that. Below are the number of things, as an Anime Otaku, I absolutely hate about:
Just because it's animated, it doesn't mean that it's for children. Nothing annoys me more than an idiot who made fun of me for watching Anime, just because it's animated. In fact, some of these idiots even accuse Anime fans as 'immature' for watching Anime shows!
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This screenshot from UMP Confessions Facebook page, for example, says it all: the woman who wrote in her confession openly bashed her boyfriend's interest in Anime, calling it 'immature'. This screenshot was taken from this Facebook post: |
If they think watching Anime is 'immature', try watching Western animated shows suitable for adults; for example, Archer.
Speaking of animated shows suitable for adults, this also brings to...
You know, there is a reason why Animax was originally placed in Variety Pack on Astro. However, thanks to the stupid and biased people working at the censorship department with their 'anything animated is for children' mentality, Anime shows are now aggressively censored, even on Animax, just to appease the narrow-minded and fascist moral police who don't even watch the shows and only know how to make noise with their 'Think Of The Children' bullshit. To make matters worse, some overly religious people would accuse Anime as 'un-Islamic' for showing Japanese mysticism, which is said to be 'against Islam'. Finally, to top that off, KOSMO! and Harian Metro, two of the most notorious Malay tabloid newspapers, always depict the negative stereotypes associated with Anime and Otaku culture!
KOSMO! and Harian Metro aside; You see, this is why Astro has Parental Control feature. Sadly, these people are too lazy to activate it by using a remote, but have no problems writing complaints about Anime shows containing violence and sexual content.
Who would have thought that the censors in the censorship department find Catarina Claes's forehead injury too gruesome? It's not even a gunshot wound to begin with!
While I don't support objectionable content being broadcasted on Malaysian TV, I still can't help but criticise the double standards of censorship.
1. If Anime shows are known for violence, what about those violent Malay films that sometimes feature Mat Rempits and gangsterism? Don't they know that some Malaysian children watch these films and imitate the fight scenes they watched? Blame the ignorant parents who openly ignore the damned RATING!
(Since Tokyo Revengers is now trending, I can sense some 'anti-weeb' moron making a stupid meme with the intent of mocking this statement!)
Alright, moving on...
2. If Anime shows are known for sexual content, what about some Malay films and dramas that are notorious for RAPE SCENES? What about Malaysian folktales about Orang Minyak (a supposedly supernatural serial rapist) and Hantu Tetek (a mischievous ghost of an old woman with huge breasts)? What about those sexual jokes and double entendre jokes in Malay films, TV dramas, and even performed by comedians in live stage TV shows, to the point that one of the judges called them out for it?
3. If Anime shows are un-Islamic because of Japanese mysticism, what about those Malaysian supernatural films which contained elements of Malay mysticism? You know there is this word called 'khurafat'. Ever heard of it?
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What does this two-panel comic have something to do with Anime? It's the situation: watching violent Anime rated for ages 18 and above, yet complaining about the violent scenes in the Anime. Just like how this guy above, going to the liquor section at a supermarket and complained about the liquor sold there. Long story short: If you don't like it, avoid it rather than bitching about it! Original post by HXSM here: |
Take a look at the Tweet below for proof to my writing. Although this Tweet criticised the banning of the 2014 film Noah, it also mocked the rape scenes in Malay dramas (which is exactly similar to what I wrote earlier). Old post, but still applicable.
filem Noah tak boleh kerana bertentangan dengan agama. drama penuh aksi rogol boleh kerana memang budaya kita.#eh
— Kutu (@MHaziqFikri) March 30, 2014
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This picture says it all. Credit to the owner, Ciffi Faizal. Original post by the owner here. |
Also, read this 2018 web article from Juice Online, which criticised Malay dramas; One of those points written in the article is 'Promoting Rape Culture':
...or maybe it has something to do with Japanese Occupation of Malaya during WWII perhaps?
(FYI, just because I love Anime and Japanese culture, it doesn't mean that I don't know history; In fact, I STRONGLY OPPOSE the atrocities of Japanese soldiers during WWII to begin with!)
As stated in my previous rant, dubbed Anime shows are highly disliked by the 'elitists' in Malaysia. Unlike them, I personally enjoy watching Anime in either subbed with Japanese audio, or dubbed in either Malay or English language. What if I tell you that Cowboy Bebop has the best English dubbing?
In my honest opinion, if there are no script translation errors and mispronounciations by the dubbers, Malay dubbing on Animax can be quite great, actually. Not only that, the dubbers' voice suitability also matters; The only way to ruin a dubbed Anime show is the use of unsuitable voice for a particular character.
What really pisses me off with these 'elitists'? Simple. They force people to strictly watch Anime with subtitles only and shun dubbed Anime.
Dear elitists, just admit that you hate and refuse to appreciate local (Malaysian) dubbing talent. Enough said.
Of all the things that I hate as an Anime Otaku, I find the term Weeaboo (Weeb, for short) is just blatantly offensive and incredibly rude. The term is normally used to mock people who are overly obsessed with Japanese culture to the point of rejecting their own culture, but it is now used to insult Anime Otakus as well.
Love Anime? People will call you a Weeaboo.
Posting references from Anime shows? People will call you a Weeaboo.
I mean, seriously?
What these morons don't know are, not all Weeaboos are Anime Otakus, and not all Anime Otakus are Weeaboos!
What about me? I am an Anime Otaku and Japanophile (correct and POLITE term). Get it?
I love watching Anime and listening to Anime soundtracks, love eating Japanese food (most importantly, halal), and learning Japanese language. Even if I love doing these things, I don't just simply reject my own nation's history and culture!
I speak Malay and English, love halal Malaysian food, celebrate Muslim celebrations such as Aidilfitri and Aidiladha, follow some of Islam's religious obligations such as praying 5 times daily and fasting during Ramadan (that's right, I'm a Muslim; Feel free to bash and boycott me, Islamophobes!), and finally, identify myself as a true Malaysian by singing the Malaysian national anthem, respecting the Malaysian national flag, and memorising the Rukun Negara, flawlessly!
If loving Anime makes someone turn into a Weeaboo, what about those who love K-Pop and K-Dramas to the point of becoming a Koreaboo? What about some people (particularly, Malays) who are overly obsessed with Arabs and Arabian culture to the point of claiming that Arabian culture is Islamic (when in reality, there are Arab Christians!) and bashing anyone criticising them as 'un-Islamic'?
Just because you love cultures from countries other than Japan, it doesn't mean that you are entitled to bash people who love Japanese culture!
RemainUnknown522 Out.