13 July 2019


Back in my previous post here, I have described that listening to fast tempo Anime songs make me more focused on my driving. However, many people, including speed-limit Nazis and road safety Talibans, openly condemned listening to fast tempo music while driving, as it may cause accidents.

Personally, I totally disagree, as I find them too obsessed in making roads safer but ended up causing more traffic jams, road rage and 'driver's hypertension' as a result. So, I beg to differ with my personal opinion.

And here is where the title for this post comes in: Frisson.

Do you get chills when listening to music that you love? That's what frisson is. I myself has experienced frisson when listening to the music I love; From the relaxing guitar solos of Suria by Black Maria and melancholic tune of All By Myself by Eric Carmen, to fast tempos and insanely rocking songs like Kotoko's Shichiten Hakki Shijou Shugi (my personal all-time favourite Anime song) and m.o.v.e's Dogfight, all these songs gave me the musical chills. Even listening to Origa's Inner Universe give me intense musical chills.

But what does frisson have to do with focused driving? Simple. Not only listening to some of the fast tempo Anime songs give me chills, but it also make my pupils dilate, thus make me alert and more focused on the road, especially when drivin on the highway. And besides, shouldn't drivers focus on the road all the time rather than driving slowly while, let's say, talking to its front passenger akin to an idle talk at a kopitiam?

If people think the song Dogfight by m.o.v.e. will cause people to drive recklessly, they were wrong. I have listened to this song while driving a Perodua Kenari on PLUS highway heading to Seremban, and let me tell you this:

I never drove my car recklessly, I never broke the speed limit, and I am alert and more focused on the road in front of me!

That's what fast tempo music is for. The frisson I get from listening to those songs makes me alert and much more focused on the road! In fact, I find that the frisson I get from listening to fast tempo music prevents me from getting microsleep when driving!

If there are people still believing in a research article suggesting only slow tempo songs are safe for driving, then try listening to any slow and relaxing music, especially Kenny G's Songbird while driving. I dare you.

I can guarantee, as like what my father told me once, and just like what happened to Mack in Disney-Pixar movie Cars, you'll start to feel sleepy behind the wheel after that.

If there are still some people who wants to criticise and bash this writing, so be it. After all, they have money, they can say anything they want!

RemainUnknown522 Out.