13 November 2017

Random Rant: Getting A Job & Criticising Unemployment Bashing

Last Wednesday, I went to a nearby mobile accessories shop to apply for a job, as I am finally getting sick and tired with all the hate and scorn coming from every direction (even from my own family!), due to my long-term unemployment. Sometime after that, this question suddenly came up to my mind:

"If I finally got a job, will I still criticise unemployment bashing?"

The answer is a big YES.

Honestly, even if I finally get a decent job, I will never stop criticising unemployment bashing in the media, whether it's in newspapers, TV news, or the Internet.

Why am I saying this?

Simple: it's because people refuse to put themselves in other people's shoes.


Although nobody wants to admit this, people who live a comfortable life and loves bashing the unemployed (and proud of it!) refuse to put themselves in the shoes of the unemployed, and these people are still stuck with the ancient 'the unemployed are lazy' mentality. They simply think that the unemployed are lazy, but they don't know that the said unemployed may have some kind of problem that they refuse to speak out to anyone, fearing that they will get punished and shamed instead of getting the real help they need.

Unfortunately, our unemployment-bashing society is so aggressively unempathetic towards the unemployed; They enjoy bashing the unemployed just to show that they have the power and absolute rights to do so!

As usual, the typical phrases that always come out of their mouths are 'get a job', 'lazy ass', 'freeloader', 'social parasite', or whatever harsh, even profane unemployment-bashing phrases they can use! To add insult to injury, these people even got the nerve to say 'don't give excuses' and also, 'don't blame others, blame yourself' whenever someone is unemployed and have trouble talking about it!

Seriously, do they think that we are born to be 'work robots' or something?


Ever heard of this? Well, I should thank a good article courtesy of TV Tropes for bringing me to this.

Avoidant Personality Disorder, or AvPD, is a psychological condition where people who are suffering from this would exhibit extreme shyness, self-isolation and highly sensitive to rejection, often caused by some kind of traumatic event they experienced in the past (example: childhood).

It could have been due to AvPD, the unemployed remained unemployed and afraid to talk about it, as written earlier. Then again, even if I write this, I can guarantee that the Malaysian society would deliberately ignore it and continue to bash the unemployed as 'lazy attention-seekers', blaming them for their problems and treat people like robots!

So what else am I gonna write? Because NOBODY WILL READ IT!


Ever since I found that website, I finally found myself the best reading material ever when it comes to unemployment issues. Even if this website tells about the situation in the USA, I can say that it is still valid in Malaysia, especially about these two articles here:

Myth Check 101: The Unemployed Are Lazy

Don’t Criticize but Empathize!

As written in the articles above, the writer, Priscilla, tells how the majority viewed the unemployed in contempt and still sticking to the ancient 'the unemployed are lazy' mentality. In fact, what was written in that articles is exactly what the Malaysian society would always do to the unemployed: bash and humiliate the unemployed as much as they can!

Then again, who wants to read it? Because people are either lazy to read, or they don't even bother to read! (Hence the TL;DR mentality!)


So, there you have it. Even if I finally got a job, I will never stop criticising unemployment bashing.

And finally, I would like to say a big "Thank You" to Priscilla for your articles, as it gives this battered NEET blogger (me, that is!) the courage to write here.

RemainUnknown522 Out.