Before I begin, I would like to wish whoever reading this a Happy New Year.
Anyway, it has been a while since I stopped writing. Honestly, I am too stressed to write due to creative block and the COVID-19 pandemic. Although things have gotten better now, I am honestly stressed by the damage done by the pandemic, and I am also furious by the toxicity and stupidity of religious extremists who openly defended the coronavirus.
After two years of hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Comic Fiesta is finally back on 17th and 18th December 2022. Just like last time in 2019, Comic Fiesta is held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). However, unlike all the Comic Fiesta exhibitions before it, this year's Comic Fiesta no longer have on-site ticketing, so visitors must buy the early bird tickets to visit the event.
Although I admit that using social media sites (example: Facebook) is much better than blogging, I decided to stick to blogging. Besides, social media sites are highly notorious for toxic netizens who seem to enjoy hurting others for fun; Hence the term, 'Facebook depression.'
And so, allow me to proceed with this writing.
Oh, and to those 'anti-weeb shitposters' who are stalking my blog, GET THE F**K OFF!