29 October 2017

Acne Problems? Drink More Plain Water, Consume Less Sugar

If you have acne problems and pimples on your face, this is what you must do:

Drink more plain water and consume less, or better, avoid sugar and anything sugary.

That's right. By doing this, one can reduce acne problems, and this is all based on my personal experience and thorough observation.

I first noticed this when I regularly consume sweet drinks, which includes home made milk coffee (using sweetened creamer). In fact, everytime I consume sweet drinks and less plain water in my diet, I noticed that more and more pimples emerged on my face and my acne problems refuse to go away, which is quite annoying.

And so, when I stopped drinking sweet milk coffee and replaced it with plain water, I noticed a change on my face, where less and less pimples emerge, and my acne problems stopped. Although it takes a long time for the results to show up (almost a month), it was worth it.

Not only that it's good for your skin, it is also good for your heart too, as consuming too much sugar is bad for your heart. (Surprising, no?)

To conclude this, after noticing a change to my face from replacing sweet drinks with plain water, all that's left for me to do is to get rid of the red spots (macules) by using either Hiruscar Post Acne gel or some genuine olive oil.

RemainUnknown522 Out.