23 August 2017

Things I Hate When Driving (Updated: 21/07/2018)

Ever since I got my driver's licence 7 years ago, I am beginning to enjoy driving. In fact, ever since I started driving, I was hoping that I can go for a Touge drive like I usually see in takashisupreme's Touge-G YouTube channel and also, record a video of my driving.

Unfortunately, in all those 7 years, I also have had several unpleasant driving experiences that are more than enough to make me unbearably angry, and it seems that those unpleasant experiences will never stop as long as I am still bearing my driver's licence!

And so, here are the list of things I hate when driving:


One of the most common sights on Malaysian roads, there are motorists who would turn into a junction or change lanes without using a turn signal. Turn signals exist for an obvious reason, but some people treat them as an 'unnecesary equipment' and refuse to use them. I still remember how many times my mother got annoyed when encountering them, and she even cursed (that is, using foul language) once because of that.

Imagine how does it feel when one was forced to wait at a junction for this motorist to go straight, only to find out that the said motorist made a turn instead, without using signals! Imagine how does it feel when a motorist make a sudden turn or lane change, all without using a turn signal!


If anyone asked me, "If you want to buy a new car, what would you avoid?", my answer would obviously be the CVT transmission. This transmission, while being smooth, efficient and fuel-saving, it is also boring. As I enjoy driving, I loathe anything that makes a car boring to drive, and a CVT transmission is just that. After all, as I got accustomed to the usual sound of gearchanges in a car, a CVT-equipped car sounded like a car with one gear, which can be easily compared to an RC TOY CAR. What's the point of making a car with good handling but equipped with an overrated eco-transmission that is well-suited for lazy drivers who treat their car like a house where they can sleep forever?


Oh, speaking of 'one gear' I mentioned earlier, below is a comparison video of four different car transmissions:

Unfortunately, despite the obvious weaknesses, many car manufacturers are using CVTs; and shockingly, tests show that a CVT can actually outperform conventional automatic transmissions! Take a look at this article at Live Life Drive and you'll know what I mean.

No matter if CVT transmissions have improved; in my honest opinion, though, CVT transmissions are just a lame and 'scrooge' excuse by car manufacturers to save fuel, as other manufacturers can achieve great fuel economy and driving enjoyment in their cars without the need of CVT transmissions, and Mazda is one of those examples with its six-speed automatic transmission, marketed as the SKYACTIV-Drive transmission. The Peugeot 208 Puretech, as advertised, can travel 1190 kilometres on a full tank, and it uses a six-speed automatic transmission too.

However, should if there is only a CVT for an automatic transmission available, I might have no choice but to start driving a car with manual transmission. Unfortunately, manuals suck, thanks to today's frequent stop-and-go traffic! (Thanks for stating that out, CarThrottle!)


While I have to admit that the word 'Nazi' sounds harsh, I have no choice but to use it. After all, speed-limit Nazis make up almost 99% of where my driving annoyances came from and also the real reason why I prefer to drive alone. They are best described as a cross between an AES speed camera and a barking dog; they will constantly monitor your speed and will start 'barking' like crazy when you go 1km/h above the speed limit!

There is also another kind of speed-limit Nazi; unlike the first one mentioned above, this one is the kind who enjoys flaming on the Internet by openly insult people driving above the speed limit while at the same time being a bigot who refused to believe the existence of slow drivers and road hoggers!

Based on my experience, when I first got my driver's licence, I am always under constant scrutiny by my highly paranoid family members (particularly, my father and my eldest sister) whenever I drive, and going just 1km/h above the recommended speed limit will make them start squabbling at me and tell me to drive slow. I can still remember on one occasion, my eldest sister confiscated my car keys when I opposed her squabbling to drive slow! Since that incident, I always get annoyed and unbearably angry whenever I was told to "drive slow", particularly, on roads that are relatively safe to speed up.

Even today, I am still under constant scrutiny whenever I drive; what really annoyed and angered me is, anti-speeding quotes like "speed kills" and "drive fast, death awaits" keep on coming out of their mouths whenever I drive. I mean, seriously,



Then there's the usual speed limit enforcement by our law enforcers and AES speed cameras on the highway, punishing motorists who drive above the speed limit with fines. In fact, everytime I watched the news, whenever there is any news about traffic enforcement operations, driving above the speed limit usually becomes the first thing mentioned! Thanks to these news, more and more people are being brainwashed into thinking that ONLY fast drivers get involved in accidents and deserve to be punished and demonised!

While I understand that speed limits are enforced in order to make roads safer, honestly, I think that punishing motorists who drive above the speed limit is getting old, as most accidents are actually caused by recklessness and lack of concentration, not speeding. Trust me; as a driver myself, I do have a tendency to do something wrong when driving under low concentration levels, and among the things that make me lose concentration is none other than SLOW SPEED DRIVING.

Unfortunately, even if I write an official complaint to the authorities about it, they would ultimately deny it, as they have vowed to punish fast drivers only, simply because they are still believing in that old and famous slogan, namely, 'Speed Kills'. In fact, it is lack of concentration and distraction that kills, not speed!

Secondly, what annoyed me and many other motorists is how the speed limit was enforced. One of these examples is the AES speed camera and the 90km/h speed limit on a wide, three-lane highway at Kajang, before reaching LLM building. Honestly, enforcing 90km/h speed limit on a wide, three-lane highway like that is ridiculous. I have driven through the area before, and I can tell that driving a Perodua Kenari at 90km/h in that area feels slow due to the road being wide. What makes it even more ridiculous is that the area was said to be an 'accident-prone' area.

This is the AES speed camera mentioned, located just before reaching LLM building. Photo taken in 2014.

Seriously? Are you kidding me? How can a wide, three-lane highway like that declared as an accident-prone area? If you're talking about those narrow roads like in Genting Sempah, for example, then it would be logical to call it an accident-prone area!

Apparently, this is why many road users who dislike the AES speed cameras believe that they are nothing more than a profit-making machine than an effective accident prevention measure. However, according to news reports, the speed cameras are placed in strategic accident-prone areas; in reality, the one they call 'strategic accident-prone areas' should be called strategic PROFIT-MAKING areas!


Thanks to speed-limit Nazis and the law's preference to only punish fast drivers, road hoggers and slow drivers rule the road like a God. These drivers are another common sight here on Malaysian roads, to the point that a lot of people are complaining about it. In fact, when Paul Tan's Automotive News' Facebook page posted articles about AES cameras, among the complaints by netizens are none other than road hoggers and slow drivers.

Road hoggers and slow drivers are highly notorious for occupying the right lane or the middle lane, sometimes driving slowly at about 20km/h below the speed limit. What's worse, they tend to, sometimes, deliberately, refuse to give way to faster cars to get through. They think that by driving slow and hogging the right/middle lane, they are driving safely. In fact, their stupidity are among the root causes of road rage here in Malaysia.

Imagine getting stuck behind this stupid driver who drives slow on the right lane and refusing to give way, acting as if their actions make them the safest driver in the world! What happens after that? You will get angry, and angry drivers are dangerous drivers, and anger increases blood pressure. It is no surprise why many drivers suffer from hypertension due to getting stuck behind a slow driver!

As proof to that, in one of my encounters with road hoggers and slow drivers, I was once on my way to pick up my niece at Bukit Changgang, where I encountered this brown Proton Iswara 'tonggek' (the car's rear suspension was set higher than the front) driving ridiculously slow on the right lane along Sepang route 32 heading to Sultan Abdul Samad Mosque and refusing to move to the left lane, to the point I almost tailgating another vehicle in front of me, who is also behind the said road hogger!

So, I have no choice but to undertook the road hogger using the left lane, and inside the car, I can see the driver and the front passenger having a long conversation as if they are lepaking at a kopitiam! It was later I found out that the said Proton Iswara driver was going to make a U-turn at the T-junction after the fire station.

This is the real problem with some drivers; whenever they want to make a right turn, for example, they think that they must keep right from the beginning of their journey and they also make another stupid mistake by driving slowly. Seriously, if they want to make a right turn, why don't they just stick to the left lane and move to the right lane just about 300 metres before the junction? Why must they stick to the right lane from the beginning while driving slowly to the point of hogging the right lane?

You see, this is why I sometimes loathe driving on the road and prefer to drive in the virtual world (playing driving games); whenever I wanted to enjoy driving on the road without the intent of causing trouble to others, there are these group of people who seemingly know my intent of enjoying a drive and choose to stop me from doing so by deliberately driving slowly and blocking my way, all thanks to those speed-limit Nazis who treat the speed limit like a religion everyone should follow.

Take a look at the video below and skip to 4:11 mark of the video, where the narrator says 'no' FIVE TIMES to hogging the middle lane. Not only that, the narrator himself even said "angry car drivers are unsafe drivers", similar to what I have written earlier.


This is also one of the things I can't tolerate when driving. Whenever someone makes a seemingly innocent mistake when driving, some motorists think that giving rude hand gestures is acceptable. There are times when people gave rude hand gestures at me just because I make a seemingly innocent mistake when driving. In fact, there was once when I gave an 'I'm sorry' hand gesture, I got a rude gesture and insults from this old man in return. Seriously, why can't these people accept a person's apology politely and properly?!

Oh, did I forgot to mention that all those rude motorists who gave rude hand gestures at me are MALAYS?

Not to be racist, but that's the truth. Malays are rude!

So much for "Orang Melayu tinggi adabnya, rendah biadapnya" quote from Takhta 3 Ratu!


Tailgaters, like road hoggers and slow drivers, are annoying. However, unlike road hoggers and slow drivers, they tend to drive fast and follow ridiculously close from behind that I can easily see the driver. In fact, tailgaters are much more dangerous than road hoggers and slow drivers, as they tend to have malicious, possibly criminal intent when doing it.

If I was being tailgated on the right lane, I can simply move to the left lane and let them pass. However, if they are tailgating on the LEFT LANE, then something bad is going to happen. Thankfully, they are rarely seen in my 7 years of driving, so I don't have to worry too much.

(UPDATE 19/02/2018) There's another type of tailgater I discovered; This one is a stupid and rude driver who would follow me closely when I was looking for an empty parking spot and refusing to move aside when I stopped to reverse park my car, necessitating them to reverse their car and later, passing by just to rudely berate me for it!

And, just like in my point number 6, all these rude parking tailgaters I encountered are Malays.

Still, I feel extremely uncomfortable when being followed closely from behind when driving, whether the vehicle behind me was tailgating me or not.



That's right. Getting honked at while driving sure makes my day a bad one. However, if I get honked at for driving slowly on the right lane, then I have to admit that I deserve that. But getting honked at the wrong place and the wrong time? That is more than enough for me to go 'DEFCON 1'.

Why am I writing this? Here's the answer

Recently, I got honked at by this rude and impatient driver when I have already gave a signal to park my car. Before that, I saw a couple of people entering a car and was about to leave the parking spot. Usually, if I see someone about to drive away from a parking spot, I would always do this routine procedure by slowing down and stopping my car just before it, and giving a signal so that I can park at the said parking spot as soon as the car occupying it leaves the parking spot.

But not this time. When I did that same procedure, I got honked at, TWICE, by this rude and impatient driver who wants me to go away, when I HAVE ALREADY GAVE A SIGNAL!

So what did I do next? Follow my 'automatic response' by driving away as fast as I can.

9. PARKING IDIOTS (ADDED 21/07/2018)

This is another problem I faced when driving. Whenever there is a parking spot, there will always be these kind of people. There are some who double-park their cars, blocking other people from leaving or blocking the flow of traffic. Although most of them always leave their phone number in their car, some of them did not, and some even gave the wrong phone number!

There are also parking idiots who already saw someone already gave a signal to park their car, but chose to shamelessly rob the parking spot and gave an insulting smile in return.

I have also seen some parking idiots who did not park their cars properly, where they tend to park their car between parking lines. In other words, one car ended up robbing two empty lots!

Finally, there are parking idiots who suffer from an identity crisis. There are car users who park at a motorcycle parking spot, and there are motorcyclists who (frequently) park and hog car parking spots.


As they say, 'save the best for last'. This is, by far, the biggest annoyance I've ever faced on the road. Motorcyclists (not everyone, but the bad ones) are perhaps the most notorious and the rudest road user of them all, as they tend to OPENLY violate traffic laws here in Malaysia, and can be easily described as plague.

One the biggest problems caused by motorcyclists are parking and hogging the car parking spot. Whenever I try to find an empty lot to park my car, I would often encounter motorcycles there, causing me to find another parking spot, much to my annoyance. Maybe it's because they are lazy to walk, so they decided to park at the nearest parking spot, so that they don't need to walk a long distance to their destination (example: Mamak restaurant).

There are times when these motorcyclists would rob a car's parking spot without warning and no sense of shame, and make car drivers extremely angry. In one incident, I saw one Malay guy (sad but true, Malays are rude!) who casually parked his motorcycle at one empty lot where I was about to park my car and gave me an insulting 'shit face' smile at me when I encountered him. There was also this one incident when a motorcyclist, who came out of nowhere, robbed a refuelling spot at a petrol station where my father was about to refuel his car there.

This is one of the most notorious examples of motorcyclists' blatant disregard for traffic rules: parking and hogging the car parking spot. Photo taken at Bandar Seri Putra post office, 18th July 2018.

The second problem caused by motorcyclists are, they tend to stop in front of larger vehicles at the traffic light junction. I have seen a number of these motorcyclists stopping in front of my car whenever I stopped at a traffic light junction. When the traffic light turns green, they tend to be slow in responding, forcing me to wait, which annoyed me so much. Not only that, they always put themselves in danger for doing that.

In one dashcam footage below, one motorcycle with two people, stopped in front of a lorry at a traffic light junction, where their position was obscured from the lorry driver's view. When the light turns green, the lorry started to move and hitting them, causing the pillion rider to knock on the lorry to tell the lorry driver to stop.

Another problem caused by motorcyclists are, they tend to go through toll booths used by cars, causing the boom gate to drop abruptly, thus blocking the car from leaving the toll booth. Although I have never encountered them whenever I passed the toll booth, this behaviour is just plain insulting and deserve nothing except scorn; don't these people use their brains?

Take a look at the dashcam footage below for proof:

However, the trouble with motorcyclists are (again, not everyone, but the bad ones), not only they openly violate traffic laws, but also would choose to fight with their foul mouth, or with their fists and helmet as a weapon whenever they are confronted and being told of their ugly behaviour! To add insult to injury, they tend to claim that they are innocent and expect people to understand them, when in reality, they openly violate traffic laws with no sense of shame whatsoever!


So, there you have it, the things I hate when driving. Thanks to them, I can easily conclude that driving is no longer fun and enjoyable. Maybe someday; that is, when the time comes, I might as well quit driving, stay at home, refuse to renew my driver's licence and let it expire.

RemainUnknown522 Out.