12 March 2017

Pasar Malam Diary, 11th March 2017

On this day's write-up of my Pasar Malam Diary, I went shopping there along with my elder (second) sister and at the same time, running errands for my mother and eldest sister.

Upon arrival, both of us went on our separate ways, where my sister bought something for her and her husband. I first went to the nearest satay stall, only to find that they have just begun grilling them. So I moved on to the drinks stall to buy one soya bean drink worth RM4.

The satay stall.

The usual 'Pasar Tani Canopy' drinks stall.

Next, I moved on to a stall that sells kebab and bought one chicken kebab in pita bread worth RM4. After that, I bought two Nasi Lemak with Ayam Goreng Berempah at Lynz's worth RM10. Finally, I ended my pasar malam shopping at the satay stall I visited earlier and bought 20 sticks of chicken satay worth RM14.

This stall sells kebab.

This is Lynz's Nasi Lemak stall, which tends to be overcrowded with patrons. Their signature dish is the Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng Berempah.

Sticks of chicken and beef satay, ready to be packed.
Total money spent: RM32

RemainUnknown522 Out.

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