12 May 2019

Taking A Break From Writing, PS3 and Ramadan

It has been a long time since I took a break from writing. In fact, ever since I upgraded my PS3 to an SSD, I now only focus on gaming. Not only that, I have a total of nine PS3 game titles in my collection; my most recent purchase was Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Sniper Elite v2, and Zone Of The Enders HD Collection.

As I used to own a PS2 before, I also used to play Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, and Zone Of The Enders: 2nd Runner. These three games are also available for PS3, all are remastered in HD. Playing these three games brought back my PS2 memories, where I used to play these games frequently as a teenager. Not only that, with Z.O.E. HD Collection, I also had the chance to play the original Zone Of The Enders game featuring Leo Stenbuck as the protagonist.

However, when compared, I prefer playing the 2nd Runner instead of the first Z.O.E. game for a few reasons. Firstly, I love its Anime style cutscenes (I'm an ANIME OTAKU, duh!). Secondly, I find the gameplay graphics of the 2nd Runner is somewhat nicer and less straining to the eyes.

Now onto something else: Ramadan. Normally I would stop writing during Ramadan and instead, focus on fasting and also, buying whatever meals I need for Buka Puasa (Iftar); There are also times when my mother would cook something for Buka Puasa. Sometimes, I do write a post about buying my Buka Puasa meals at the Ramadan Bazaar at my area.

Normally, during Ramadan, it is common to hear firecracker noises, which can be highly annoying. Thankfully, those noises are less frequent now, much to my relief. Nothing annoys and angers me more than some rude bastard playing with 'mercun mancis' in my housing area!

And that's all there is to write. Selamat Berpuasa to all Muslims.

RemainUnknown522 Out.